This concise and accessible text is structured and written to follow the current AP Course and Exam Description. Examine how human behavior transforms the earth's surface in response to changing social, cultural, and political needs in short, focused sections. The text covers all topic areas for the AP Human Geography course and examines current events and key theoretical areas such as environmental determinism and psychogeography. A Teacher Resource is available only to teachers and with a school purchase order by contacting your Sales Consultant.
Advanced Placement® is a trademark registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these products.
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Product Features & Resources
Explore how people have shaped the earth!
Topical organization—68 topics aligned directly to the College Board framework.
Within each of the seven course units, the content, topics, big ideas, enduring understandings, learning objectives, and essential knowledge focus on developing the essential skills of geographers for AP® exam and college success.
Each topic includes —an Essential Question. —Key Terms. —a narrative aligned to the course framework.
Each chapter includes —Learning Objectives from the CED. —seven multiple-choice questions. —one free-response question.
Each unit includes —an Enduring Understanding. —an Applying Geographic Skills feature that provides students opportunities to use the skills they have learned while they review key content.
Special features include —Think as a Geographer—topic activities develop methods and course skills (concepts and processes, spatial relationships, data analysis, source analysis, and scale analysis). —Write as a Geographer—unit activities build writing skills for answering free-response questions needed for the AP® exam. —Geographic Perspectives—unit activities develop enduring understandings of big ideas (patterns and spatial organization, impacts and interactions, and spatial processes and societal change).
A separate Teacher Resource includes an answer key; correlations to the CED; and reproducible activity pages that cover topics such as justice and race.
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David Palmer
For over 20 years, David Palmer has taught social studies at Eaglecrest High School in the Cherry Creek, Colorado, School District and currently teaches world geography and AP® Human Geography. He is a Colorado Geographic Alliance teacher consultant, College Board® consultant, 2012 NCGE Distinguished Geography Teacher award winner and a table leader, reader, and test item creator for the AP® Human Geography Exam. David has taught and presented at numerous institutes and conferences and has traveled to India and Japan to develop case studies for the AAG’s Center for Global Geography Education.
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AP Human Geography
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Advanced Placement®—Social Studies
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AP Human Geography is widely recommended as an introductory-level AP course. Students tend to regard the course content as "easy," while the exam is difficult. Historically, the majority of students earn the lowest possible score on this exam.
AP Human Geography – 54.40% AP English Language – 56.10% These 6 lowest pass rate subjects ^^ also have some of the most test-takers. So even though the pass rates are lower, WAY more students take them in the first place.
The AP® Human Geography score calculator (previewed below) from Albert reveals that you need to get 30 of the 60 multiple-choice questions right and be awarded a minimum of half of the possible points in the free-response section in order to pass the exam.
But what is a passing AP score? The College Board considers a score of 3 or higher a passing grade. That said, some colleges require a 4 or 5 to award credit. Whether a 3 is a good AP score depends on the colleges you're applying to.
Yes, many colleges and universities accept AP Human Geography for credit or placement. However, policies on AP credit and placement vary widely from institution to institution, so it is important to check with individual colleges to determine their specific policies.
AP test scores are indeed "curved," but it's more accurate to call it a "scaling process." Instead of a traditional curve that compares your performance to other students' performance, the AP exam scaling process converts your raw score (the number of points you earned through multiple-choice questions and free- ...
AP Human Geography students demonstrated especially strong mastery of the core skills of the course from Unit 1 (19% earned perfect scores on that unit), and on Industrial / Economic Development (Unit 7) questions (11% earned perfect scores on that unit).
To achieve a 5 on the AP World History exam, you'll generally need to score around 70-75% of the total possible points. However, this can vary slightly each year based on the difficulty of the exam and the performance of the test-takers.
Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.
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