What Does VM Deposit Mean On Phone Bill? - UtilitySmarts (2024)

Simply said, it’s a technical phrase used by Verizon to describe voicemail that has been delivered. This implies that if you send a voicemail and it is delivered, it will appear on your bill as a VM deposit.

On a call log, what does VM Deposit mean?

We sincerely apologize for any misunderstanding, Bb49. When you call someone, their phone will indicate the incoming call as soon as the connection connects, even if it is to voicemail. If your call goes to voicemail and you leave a message, you’ll notice VM Deposit, which indicates that you’ve placed a voicemail on someone’s line. Is this more clear now?

LorenB VZW Please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response if my solution addressed your question. As a result, others will be able to profit from our discussion. Thank you in advance for your assistance!!

On my Verizon call record, what does VM deposit CL mean?

My Services & Plans Someone left you a voicemail message, if you’re referring to your My Verizon call history.

What does the term “incoming CL” mean in terms of a Verizon bill?

10:56 p.m. on August 31, 2016. Snn5 is correct. When you are on a roaming partner’s tower and receive an incoming call, call delivery (follow me roaming) is just an indicator. If you check at the details statement, you should see a call delivery call and a genuine call for the same number of minutes at the same time.

What is a WiFi CL, exactly?

CL-WiFi. For the 788T Recorder, there is a wireless interface. Description. The CL-WiFi is a 788T recorder hardware attachment. To control the 788T, WiFi-capable mobile devices with the CL-WiFi application communicate with the CL-WiFi as a standard access point.

On a Verizon bill, what is the destination?

Is the destination indicated on the speak activity where the individual physically was when they answered the call or where their account resides when you call someone?

For example, I live in Baltimore, my son calls (also from Baltimore and on Verizon), and I am in Florida on vacation.

What appears under his talk activity on his bill for the call:

What is the meaning of VM?

  • Different series of nuclear pressurized water reactors, including the VM reactor
  • VM (nerve agent), sometimes known as edemo, is a chemical weapon agent.
  • IBM’s virtual machine operating system is referred to as VM (operating system).
  • Membrane potential is the potential of a cell’s membrane.
  • Vm is the symbol for molar volume.
  • Smallpox, Variola major
  • In medicine, this is referred to as a vascular malformation.
  • In medicine, vascularogenic mimicry is used.
  • Prefrontal cortex of the ventromedial hemisphere
  • A virtual machine is a computer system that is emulated.
  • A memory management technique known as virtual memory
  • Vm is an abbreviation for the element francium and is derived from virginium, a rejected name and abbreviation for the element francium.
  • Emacs has a built-in email reader.
  • Files are an Apache Velocity extension.

What does VM stand for?

On a physical hardware system, a virtual machine (VM) is a virtual environment that acts as a virtual computer system with its own CPU, memory, network interface, and storage (located off- or on-premises). A hypervisor software separates the computer’s resources from the hardware and configures them so that they can be used by the virtual machine.

The host machine, host computer, host operating system, or simply host refers to physical machines that are equipped with a hypervisor such as Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM). Guest machines, guest computers, guest operating systems, or simply guests are among the various VMs that utilise its resources. The hypervisor views computational resources such as CPU, memory, and storage as a pool of resources that may be readily moved between guests or to new virtual machines.

Multiple VMs can exist on a single piece of hardware, such as a server, because they are separated from the rest of the system. They can be relocated between host servers based on demand or to make better use of resources.

Virtual machines (VMs) allow numerous operating systems to run simultaneously on a single computer, such as a Linux distribution on a Mac laptop. Each operating system behaves exactly like a real-time operating system or application on the host hardware, therefore the end user experience in the VM is virtually equal to that of a real-time operating system on a physical machine.

What does VM stand for?

A virtual machine, abbreviated as VM, is similar to any other physical computer, such as a laptop, smartphone, or server. It features a CPU, RAM, and disks for storing your files, as well as the ability to connect to the internet if necessary. VMs are generally conceived of as virtual computers or software-defined computers within physical servers, existing solely as code, while the elements that make up your computer (called hardware) are physical and tangible.

What Does VM Deposit Mean On Phone Bill? - UtilitySmarts (2024)


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