How To Make Candied Fruit (Easy Step-by-Step Guide) (2024)

Table of Contents
Key Takeaways: Choosing the Right Fruit for Candying Table: Best Fruits for Candying Preparing the Fruit for Candying Step 1: Washing the Fruit Step 2: Cutting the Fruit Step 3: Ensuring Uniformity Blanching the Fruit Blanching Times for Common Fruits: Making the Simple Syrup Table: Simple Syrup Recipe Fruit Coating: Enhancing Flavor and Texture Enhancing the Flavors Creating a Beautiful Presentation Simmering the Fruit in the Syrup Simmering Time Guide for Common Fruits: Drying the Candied Fruit Table: Comparison of Fruit Drying Methods Optional Sugar Garnish Serving and Enjoying Candied Fruit Serving Suggestions Candied Fruit Storage Candied Fruit Flavor Variations Flavor Extracts Flavor Oils Tips and Tricks for Making Perfect Candied Fruit Use Organic and Fresh Fruit Cut Uniformly Avoid Overcooking Work Quickly and Efficiently Traditional and Creative Ways to Use Candied Fruit Table: Creative Uses for Candied Fruit Conclusion FAQ Can I use any fruit to make candied fruit? Does the fruit need to be ripe? How should I prepare the fruit before candying? How do I blanch the fruit? What is a simple syrup? How do I coat the fruit with syrup? How long should I simmer the fruit in the syrup? How do I dry the candied fruit? Can I add a sugar garnish to the dried fruit? How long can I store the candied fruit? What are some creative flavor variations for candied fruit? Are there any tips for making perfect candied fruit? How can I use candied fruit in recipes? Can I make candied fruit without sugar? Source Links Related Recipes: References

Hey there! Looking for a delicious and sweet treat to satisfy your cravings? Look no further than homemade candied fruit. It’s surprisingly easy to make and can be enjoyed on its own or used as a versatile ingredient in a variety of recipes. In this guide, I’ll show you exactly how to make candied fruit from scratch. Get ready to indulge in a burst of fruity goodness!

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to make candied fruit from start to finish with this easy step-by-step guide.
  • Choose ripe and fresh fruits for the best taste and texture.
  • Blanch the fruit to tenderize it before coating it with a simple syrup.
  • Dry the fruit on parchment paper and optionally sprinkle with sugar for added sweetness.
  • Store the candied fruit in the refrigerator and enjoy within 1-3 weeks.

Choosing the Right Fruit for Candying

When it comes to making candied fruit, selecting the right fruit is crucial for achieving the best results. Different fruits offer unique flavors and textures when they are candied. Here are some of the best fruits for candying:

  • Strawberries: These juicy berries become even sweeter and take on a chewy texture when candied.
  • Grapes: Candied grapes offer a burst of sweetness and a delightful pop in every bite.
  • Cherries: Whether you use sweet or sour cherries, they add a vibrant and tart flavor to your candied fruit assortment.
  • Apples: Crisp and refreshing, candied apples provide a balance of sweetness and a hint of tartness.
  • Blueberries: Candied blueberries offer a burst of flavor and a slightly chewy texture.
  • Pineapples: When you candy pineapples, they become even sweeter with a tropical and tangy twist.
  • Kiwi: Candied kiwi slices have a unique combination of sweetness and a slight tang, making them a delightful addition to your candied fruit assortment.

It’s important to choose fruit that is fresh, ripe, and free of any blemishes. This will ensure that your candied fruit has the best taste and texture. Experiment with different fruits to create a colorful and flavorful assortment of candied treats.

Table: Best Fruits for Candying


Choosing the right fruit for candying allows you to create a diverse and delicious assortment of candied delights. Whether you prefer the sweetness of strawberries or the tanginess of cherries, there’s a fruit out there to satisfy your taste buds. So go ahead and select your favorite fruits and embark on a sweet adventure of making homemade candied fruit.

Preparing the Fruit for Candying

Before you can start the process of candying fruit, it’s important to properly prepare the fruit. This involves washing, cutting, and, if needed, removing any unwanted parts of the fruit. Let’s take a look at the steps involved in preparing the fruit for candying.

Step 1: Washing the Fruit

To ensure the fruit is clean and free of any dirt or residue, begin by washing it under running water. Gently rub the fruit with your hands to remove any impurities. This step is crucial to ensure that your candied fruit is fresh and free of any contaminants.

Step 2: Cutting the Fruit

Once the fruit is clean, it’s time to cut it into bite-size chunks or slices. Use a sharp knife to carefully remove any stems or dark ends from the fruit. For fruits like oranges or lemons, you may also need to remove the outer layer using a knife or vegetable peeler.

It’s important to cut the fruit into relatively uniform sizes to ensure even cooking and coating during the candying process. This will also help in creating a visually appealing final product.

Step 3: Ensuring Uniformity

When cutting the fruit, aim for relatively uniform sizes so that the pieces cook evenly. This will help maintain the texture and consistency of the final candied fruit. Ensure that all your fruit pieces are of similar size to prevent some from becoming too soft or others from remaining too firm.

Following these steps will help you prepare the fruit for candying and ensure that you have a delicious and visually appealing final product. Now that the fruit is ready, it’s time to move on to the next steps in the process.

Fruit Preparation Steps
Step 1: Wash the fruit under running water to remove any dirt or residue.
Step 2: Use a sharp knife to cut the fruit into bite-size chunks or slices.
Step 3: Aim for uniform sizes to ensure even cooking and coating of the fruit.

Blanching the Fruit

Once you have selected your fruit and prepared it for candying, the next step in the process is blanching the fruit. Blanching is a crucial step as it helps to tenderize the fruit and remove any bitter flavors. To blanch the fruit, fill a pot with water and bring it to a rolling boil. Carefully add the fruit to the boiling water and let it cook until it becomes tender. The cooking time will vary depending on the type of fruit and the size of the chunks or slices. You may need to blanch the fruit in multiple rounds if you have a large quantity or if the fruit is particularly firm.

Blanching can be done with a variety of fruits, including apples, strawberries, and pineapple. It is important to keep a close eye on the fruit as it cooks to prevent overcooking, which can result in mushy fruit. To check if the fruit is done, gently poke it with a fork or the tip of a knife. If it easily slides off or breaks apart, it is ready to be removed from the boiling water.

“Blanching the fruit is an essential step in the candying process. It not only helps to soften the fruit but also removes any lingering bitterness. Be sure to monitor the cooking time closely to achieve the perfect tender texture.”

Once the fruit is cooked to your desired tenderness, remove it from the boiling water using a slotted spoon or a strainer. Transfer the blanched fruit to a bowl of ice water and let it cool for a few minutes. The ice water bath will stop the cooking process and help the fruit retain its vibrant color. After the fruit has cooled, pat it dry with a paper towel or a clean kitchen towel before proceeding to the next step of the candying process.

Blanching Times for Common Fruits:

FruitBlanching Time
Apples (slices)3-4 minutes
Strawberries (whole)1-2 minutes
Pineapple (chunks)2-3 minutes

Making the Simple Syrup

Now that we have blanched our fruit to perfection, it’s time to move on to the next step – making the simple syrup. This sweet, sticky concoction will add that irresistible coating to our candied fruit. The simple syrup recipe is easy to follow and requires just a few ingredients.

To prepare the syrup, we’ll need sugar and water. The ratio of sugar to water can vary depending on your desired sweetness level. Generally, a 1:1 ratio works well, but you can adjust it to suit your taste. In a saucepan, combine the sugar and water, then stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Once the sugar is dissolved, bring the mixture to a boil. Let it simmer for a few minutes until the syrup becomes clear and thick. The heat will help the flavors meld together and create that sticky consistency we’re looking for. Be sure to keep an eye on the syrup during this process to avoid burning.

Table: Simple Syrup Recipe

Sugar1 cup
Water1 cup

Once the simple syrup is ready, we can move on to the next step of coating our blanched fruit with this sweet elixir. The syrup will provide a glossy finish to our candied fruit and lock in the flavors. Get ready to take your homemade candied fruit to the next level!

Fruit Coating: Enhancing Flavor and Texture

Coating the fruit with syrup is a crucial step in the process of making candied fruit. By immersing the blanched fruit in the sweet syrup, we create a delectable shell that enhances both the flavor and the texture. The syrup acts as a protective coating, sealing in the natural juices of the fruit and infusing it with a delightful sweetness.

When coating the fruit, it is important to ensure that all sides are evenly coated with the syrup. This can be achieved by gently stirring the fruit in the pot, allowing the syrup to completely surround each piece. The fruit immersion ensures that every bite of the candied fruit is bursting with flavor.

“Coating the fruit with syrup is like giving it a sweet hug,” says Chef Sarah.

It adds an extra layer of deliciousness to the already wonderful fruit, creating a harmonious blend of natural flavors and sweetness.

Fruit Coating Tips
Ensure the syrup is warm and fluid to evenly coat the fruit.
Gently stir the fruit to ensure all sides are coated.
Be careful not to break the fruit while stirring.
Use a spoon with a long handle to reach the bottom of the pot.
Work quickly to prevent excessive syrup absorption.

HowTo Make Candied Fruit (Easy Step-by-Step Guide) (1)

Enhancing the Flavors

While the simple syrup provides a delicious sweetness, you can also incorporate different flavorings to enhance the taste of your candied fruit. Consider adding a splash of citrus juice, a sprinkle of cinnamon, or a dash of vanilla extract to the syrup. These additions can create unique flavor combinations and add depth to the overall taste experience.

Creating a Beautiful Presentation

Coated in the syrup, the fruit takes on a glossy appearance that is visually appealing. Whether you choose to enjoy the candied fruit as is or incorporate it into various recipes, the shiny coating adds an elegance to the final presentation. The fruit becomes a centerpiece, enticing and delightful to the eye.

Simmering the Fruit in the Syrup

Once the fruit has been coated with the sweet syrup, it’s time to simmer it gently on low heat. This step allows the fruit to absorb all the delicious flavors of the syrup and become even sweeter. The length of time needed for simmering will depend on the type of fruit being used and the desired level of tenderness.

Simmering fruit is a gentle cooking method where the liquid is kept at a low temperature, just below boiling point. This slow cooking process ensures that the fruit becomes tender without losing its shape or texture. As the fruit simmers in the syrup, it soaks up the sweet liquid, creating a delectable treat that bursts with flavor.

During the simmering process, occasional stirring is recommended to prevent the fruit from sticking to the bottom of the pot. The simmering time can range from a few minutes for softer fruits like berries to up to an hour for larger and harder fruits like apples or pears. It is important to keep an eye on the fruit while simmering to avoid overcooking, as this can result in a mushy texture.

“Simmering the fruit in the syrup is a crucial step in the candying process. It allows the flavors of the sweet syrup to infuse into the fruit, creating a delightful taste sensation. The gentle heat ensures that the fruit maintains its shape and texture, resulting in a visually appealing treat.”

Simmering Time Guide for Common Fruits:

FruitSimmering Time
Strawberries5-10 minutes
Grapes10-15 minutes
Cherries15-20 minutes
Apples30-40 minutes
Pears40-60 minutes

Once the fruit has reached the desired level of tenderness, it should be removed from the syrup using a spoon or a slotted spoon and placed on a piece of parchment paper to cool and dry. The candied fruit can now be enjoyed as a delightful standalone treat or used in various recipes to add a burst of sweetness and flavor.

Continue to Section 8 to learn about the next step in the candying process – drying the candied fruit.

Drying the Candied Fruit

After simmering the fruit in the syrup, it’s time to dry it. Drying the candied fruit is an important step in preserving its texture and preventing spoilage. The drying method you choose will depend on your preference and the available resources. Here are a few common fruit drying methods:

  1. Sun drying: Place the candied fruit on a wire rack or parchment paper and leave it in direct sunlight. This method can take several days to complete, but it allows for natural and slow drying.
  2. Oven drying: Preheat your oven to the lowest temperature (around 150°F or 65°C) and place the fruit on a baking sheet. Leave the oven door slightly ajar to allow moisture to escape. Check the fruit periodically until it reaches the desired dryness.
  3. Dehydrator: If you have a food dehydrator, simply arrange the candied fruit on the trays and set the temperature according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This method provides even and controlled drying.

Regardless of the method you choose, it’s important to ensure that the candied fruit is fully dry before storing it. You can test the dryness by pressing on the fruit – it should feel firm and not leave any residue on your fingers.

HowTo Make Candied Fruit (Easy Step-by-Step Guide) (2)

I love drying my candied fruit in the sun. There’s something so satisfying about the natural process and the way the sun enhances the flavors. Plus, it gives the fruit a beautiful sun-kissed appearance. However, if the weather doesn’t cooperate, I opt for oven drying or using my food dehydrator for convenience and control. Whichever method you choose, just remember to be patient and let the fruit dry completely before storing it.

Table: Comparison of Fruit Drying Methods

Drying MethodProsCons
Sun dryingNatural and slow drying processDependent on weather conditions, can take longer
Oven dryingQuick and efficient dryingRequires constant monitoring to prevent over-drying
DehydratorEven and controlled dryingRequires a dehydrator machine

Choose the drying method that suits your preferences and resources. Each method has its own advantages, so you can experiment and find the one that works best for you. Once the candied fruit is completely dry, you can store it in an airtight container for future enjoyment or use it in various recipes.

Optional Sugar Garnish

If you want to add an extra touch of sweetness and visual appeal to your candied fruit, consider giving it a sugary coating. This optional step is simple yet effective in enhancing the overall presentation of your homemade treats.

To create a sugar garnish, sprinkle granulated sugar over the dried candied fruit. The sugar will adhere to the surface, creating a sparkling, sugar-coated appearance. Not only does it add a delightful crunch, but it also intensifies the sweetness of the fruit. This sugary coating is perfect for those who have a sweet tooth and enjoy a little extra indulgence in their snacks.

Serving and Enjoying Candied Fruit

Once your homemade candied fruit is ready, it’s time to indulge in its sweet and flavorful goodness. Here are some serving suggestions and tips for enjoying this delightful treat:

Serving Suggestions

  • Enjoy candied fruit as a standalone snack, savoring each piece for its unique texture and taste.
  • Add candied fruit to fruit salads for an extra burst of sweetness and a delightful contrast in texture.
  • Use candied fruit as a colorful and delicious topping for ice cream sundaes or yogurt parfaits.
  • Incorporate candied fruit into your favorite baked goods, such as fruitcakes, cookies, or muffins, for a delightful burst of flavor.

Get creative and experiment with different combinations and serving ideas to discover your favorite way to enjoy candied fruit.

Candied Fruit Storage

  • Store your candied fruit in an airtight container to prevent it from becoming stale and absorbing unwanted odors from other foods in the refrigerator.
  • Keep the candied fruit immersed in its syrup to maintain its moisture and prevent it from drying out.
  • Store the candied fruit in the refrigerator for optimal freshness and shelf life. It can stay fresh for 1-3 weeks when stored properly.

Remember that fresher is always better when it comes to enjoying your homemade candied fruit, so try to consume it within 1-3 days for the best taste and texture.

Now that you know how to serve and store your candied fruit, it’s time to savor the fruits of your labor and share this delightful treat with family and friends. Enjoy!

HowTo Make Candied Fruit (Easy Step-by-Step Guide) (3)

Candied Fruit Flavor Variations

When it comes to creating flavorful candied fruit, there are endless possibilities for adding unique twists to your creations. By experimenting with different fruit flavorings and combinations, you can elevate the taste and appeal of your homemade goodies. Let’s explore some exciting options:

Flavor Extracts

One way to enhance the taste of your candied fruit is by using flavor extracts. These concentrated liquids come in a wide range of flavors, from classic options like vanilla and almond to more adventurous ones like coconut and lavender. Simply add a few drops of your chosen extract to the syrup mixture before coating the fruit. The result? A burst of delicious flavor that complements the natural sweetness of the candied fruit.

Flavor Oils

If you’re looking for even more intense and unique flavors, consider using flavor oils. These highly concentrated oils are specifically designed for food flavoring and pack a punch. Popular options include cotton candy, tropical punch, grape, caramel, and watermelon. Use them sparingly, as a little goes a long way. With flavor oils, you can create candied fruit that will tantalize your taste buds and leave a lasting impression.

Flavor VariationFruit Combination
Citrus DelightOranges, lemons, and limes
Tropical TwistPineapple, mango, and coconut
Berry BlastStrawberries, blueberries, and raspberries
Spiced SurpriseApples, cinnamon, and nutmeg

These are just a few examples of flavor combinations that can take your candied fruit to the next level. Feel free to mix and match different fruits and flavors to create your own unique variations. The key is to have fun experimenting and let your taste buds guide you. Whether you prefer classic or adventurous flavors, there’s no limit to the delicious possibilities when it comes to flavored candied fruit.

Tips and Tricks for Making Perfect Candied Fruit

Creating delicious candied fruit requires some finesse and attention to detail. Here are some tips and tricks to help you make perfect candied fruit:

Use Organic and Fresh Fruit

For the best results, use organic fruit that is free of pesticides. This ensures that you are starting with high-quality ingredients that will result in a superior final product. Additionally, make sure your fruit is ripe and fresh to achieve optimal taste and texture.

Cut Uniformly

When preparing the fruit for candying, it’s essential to cut it into uniform sizes. This ensures that the fruit cooks evenly and allows for even coating with the syrup. Take your time to cut the fruit into consistent pieces, whether you choose bite-size chunks or slices.

Avoid Overcooking

During the blanching process, be careful not to overcook the fruit. Overcooking can result in mushy texture and loss of flavor. Keep a close eye on the fruit and remove it from the boiling water as soon as it becomes tender. This will help maintain the desired texture and taste.

Work Quickly and Efficiently

When coating the fruit with the syrup, work quickly to avoid excessive absorption. Dip each piece of fruit into the syrup, ensuring that all sides are coated, but do not let them sit in the syrup for too long. The goal is to create a thin, sweet shell around the fruit, not a heavy and overly sweet coating.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to making perfect candied fruit that is both delicious and visually appealing.

Traditional and Creative Ways to Use Candied Fruit

When it comes to candied fruit, the possibilities are endless! Whether you’re looking for traditional recipes or want to get creative with your culinary creations, candied fruit can be a versatile ingredient that adds a burst of flavor and texture to a variety of dishes.

If you’re a fan of classic desserts, you can’t go wrong with adding candied fruit to fruitcakes, biscotti, and holiday treats. The sweet and chewy nature of candied fruit complements these recipes perfectly, adding a pop of color and a delightful sweetness.

But why stop at the classics? Candied fruit can also be used in more unconventional ways. Try sprinkling it on top of ice cream for a fun and fruity twist, or incorporate it into fruit salads for an extra burst of sweetness. If you’re a baker, consider using candied fruit as a decorative element on cakes and cupcakes, or even as a filling for pastries.

Table: Creative Uses for Candied Fruit

Candied Fruit TartA buttery tart filled with a mixture of candied fruit, custard, and a hint of citrus. Perfect for a special occasion or as an elegant dessert.
Candied Fruit Trail MixA sweet and salty combination of candied fruit, nuts, and pretzels. Perfect for snacking on the go or as a party treat.
Candied Fruit Yogurt ParfaitLayered with creamy yogurt, crunchy granola, and vibrant candied fruit, this parfait is a delicious and nutritious way to start your day.
Candied Fruit SalsaA refreshing and tangy salsa made with a mix of candied fruit, fresh herbs, and a splash of lime juice. Perfect for serving with grilled meats or as a topping for tacos.

Get creative in the kitchen and experiment with different flavor combinations. Mix and match different types of candied fruit to suit your taste preferences and add a unique twist to your favorite recipes.

So next time you have some candied fruit on hand, don’t limit yourself to the usual suspects. Let your culinary imagination run wild and discover new and exciting ways to incorporate this sweet treat into your dishes. With its vibrant colors and delightful flavors, candied fruit is sure to bring joy to both your taste buds and your table.


Final thoughts on making candied fruit? It’s a delightful adventure that brings out the chef in me! With just a few simple steps, I can turn ordinary fruit into sweet, chewy goodness that tickles the taste buds. Whether I’m enjoying it solo or using it to amp up my favorite recipes, candied fruit always steals the show. It’s the perfect way to add a burst of flavor and texture to any dish!

Wrapping up, I encourage you to experiment with different fruits and flavor combinations. Have fun creating your own unique candied fruit creations! The possibilities are endless, and there’s no wrong answer when it comes to making these sweet treats. Just remember to choose fresh, ripe fruit, cut it into uniform sizes, and work quickly when dipping it in the syrup. These little tips make all the difference in achieving perfect candied fruit every time.

In conclusion, making candied fruit at home is a journey worth taking. Not only do I get to savor the delicious results, but I also get to appreciate the process of transforming something ordinary into something extraordinary. So why wait? Grab your favorite fruit, and let’s embark on a candying adventure together!


Can I use any fruit to make candied fruit?

Yes, you can use a variety of fruits such as strawberries, grapes, cherries, apples, blueberries, pineapples, and kiwi.

Does the fruit need to be ripe?

Yes, it’s best to use ripe and fresh fruit for optimal taste.

How should I prepare the fruit before candying?

Wash the fruit thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt. Remove any stems or dark ends and cut the fruit into bite-size chunks or slices.

How do I blanch the fruit?

Place the fruit in a pot of boiling water and boil until tender. This may require multiple blanching rounds depending on the fruit.

What is a simple syrup?

A simple syrup is made by combining sugar and water in a saucepan and boiling until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture becomes clear and thick.

How do I coat the fruit with syrup?

After making the simple syrup, pour it over the blanched fruit in a pot and stir gently to ensure all sides are coated.

How long should I simmer the fruit in the syrup?

The length of simmering depends on the fruit and desired tenderness. Simmer until the fruit absorbs the flavors of the syrup and becomes sweet and tender.

How do I dry the candied fruit?

Use a spoon to gently lift the fruit from the syrup and place it on parchment paper in a single layer. Allow the fruit to dry completely, which can take several hours or overnight.

Can I add a sugar garnish to the dried fruit?

Yes, for a decorative touch, you can sprinkle granulated sugar on top of the dried candied fruit. This step is optional and can be omitted depending on personal preference.

How long can I store the candied fruit?

Freshly made candied fruit is best enjoyed within 1-3 days. To store, keep it in its syrup in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 1-3 weeks.

What are some creative flavor variations for candied fruit?

Consider using extracts or flavor oils in flavors such as cotton candy, tropical punch, grape, caramel, and watermelon to add unique flavors to your candied fruit.

Are there any tips for making perfect candied fruit?

Yes, some tips include using organic fruit, ensuring uniform fruit sizes, not overcooking the fruit during blanching, and working quickly when dipping the fruit in the syrup.

How can I use candied fruit in recipes?

Candied fruit can be added to fruitcakes, biscotti, holiday desserts, ice cream, fruit salads, and used as a decorative element on cakes and cupcakes.

Can I make candied fruit without sugar?

No, the syrup coating for candied fruit requires sugar. However, you can try using alternative sweeteners if desired.

Source Links

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How To Make Candied Fruit (Easy Step-by-Step Guide) (2024)


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.