How To Make Candy Fruit With Sugar And Water - Candy Artisans (2024)

Have you ever dreamed of picking a fruit directly off a tree and seeing it turn into a delicious, sweet delicacy? This dream can become reality with a few basic ingredients and some patience. In this guide, I will show you how to make your own candied fruit, which will look very much like the fruit in its original form, using just sugar and water.

So, put on your apron and get ready to embark on a journey that will awaken your inner candy maker!

Imagine stepping into a candy wonderland, where the air is filled with the tantalizing aroma of freshly made sweets. As you walk through this sugary paradise, you come across a tree laden with vibrant and enticing fruit. But wait, these fruits are not your ordinary apples or oranges – they are made entirely of sugar and water!

Intrigued by this magical sight, you decide to learn the secret behind these edible works of art. Well, my friend, you are in luck because I am about to reveal the steps to creating your very own candy fruit. Get ready to unleash your creativity and indulge in the sweet satisfaction of making something truly unique and delicious.

How To Make Candy Fruit With Sugar And Water - Candy Artisans (1)


Key Takeaways

  • Candy fruit can be made by cooking a simple syrup made with equal parts sugar and water.
  • The syrup needs to be cooked to the hard crack stage at 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Different cooking methods can be used for the syrup, such as wet and dry methods.
  • Achieving the right consistency of the syrup is crucial and can be determined through boiling time, temperature, testing in cold water, and flavor experimentation.

Gather Your Ingredients and Equipment

Now it’s time for you to gather up all your ingredients and equipment to start making your delicious candy fruit! To make candy fruit, you’ll need a few key items.

First, you’ll need a saucepan or pot to heat the sugar syrup. Make sure it’s a size that can hold all the ingredients and has a sturdy handle for easy pouring.


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Next, you’ll need a candy thermometer to accurately measure the temperature of the sugar syrup. This is important because the temperature affects the texture and consistency of the candy.

Additionally, you’ll need a baking sheet lined with parchment paper to place the candy fruit on to cool and harden.

Lastly, gather your fruit of choice. You can use any fruit you like, such as strawberries, oranges, or apples. Make sure they’re ripe and firm for the best results.

Now that you have all the necessary equipment, let’s move on to the step-by-step instructions.

Start by washing and drying the fruit thoroughly. This will remove any dirt or pesticides and ensure a clean final product.


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Once the fruit is clean, remove any stems or leaves and cut the fruit into bite-sized pieces. It’s important to choose pieces that are small enough to easily fit into your mouth but still retain their shape.

Next, prepare a simple syrup by combining equal parts sugar and water in the saucepan. Stir the mixture over medium heat until the sugar dissolves completely. Be careful not to let the mixture boil or burn.

Once the sugar has dissolved, attach the candy thermometer to the side of the saucepan and continue cooking the syrup until it reaches 300 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the hard crack stage, which’ll give your candy a crunchy texture.

With all the equipment gathered and the fruit prepared, it’s time to move on to the next step and prepare the sugar syrup without wasting any time.

Prepare the Sugar Syrup

To prepare the sugar syrup, I start by combining equal parts of sugar and water in a saucepan over medium heat. I stir constantly until the sugar has completely dissolved and the mixture comes to a gentle boil. This usually takes about 5 minutes.


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A tip for achieving the right consistency is to use a candy thermometer to monitor the temperature of the syrup. The syrup should reach a temperature of 250°F (121°C) to ensure the proper texture for the candy fruit.

Additionally, it’s important to avoid stirring the syrup once it starts boiling, as this can cause crystallization and result in a grainy texture.

Instructions for making the sugar syrup

Once the sugar and water are combined, a sticky, sweet syrup forms, ready to be transformed into delectable candy fruit. There are different methods for cooking the sugar syrup, each yielding a slightly different result.

One common method is the wet method, where the sugar is dissolved in water and then heated until it reaches the desired consistency. Another method is the dry method, where the sugar is heated directly in a pan until it caramelizes. Whichever method you choose, it’s important to closely monitor the temperature of the syrup to avoid burning or crystallization. If the syrup starts to crystallize, you can add a small amount of lemon juice or corn syrup to help prevent this issue.

Troubleshooting common issues with the sugar syrup is essential to ensure the final candy fruit turns out perfectly.


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To achieve the right consistency for the sugar syrup, it’s important to follow a few tips. First, make sure to use a candy thermometer to accurately measure the temperature. This’ll help you determine when the syrup has reached the desired stage, whether it’s the soft-ball stage for chewy candy or the hard-crack stage for a crunchier texture.

Additionally, avoid stirring the syrup once it starts boiling, as this can cause crystallization. Instead, gently swirl the pan to distribute the heat evenly. If you find that the syrup is too thin, you can continue cooking it until it thickens. On the other hand, if the syrup becomes too thick, you can add a small amount of water to thin it out.

Achieving the perfect consistency for the sugar syrup is crucial for creating delicious candy fruit that’ll satisfy your sweet tooth.

Transition to the subsequent section about ‘tips for achieving the right consistency’:

Now that the sugar syrup is ready, it’s time to focus on achieving the right consistency for the candy fruit.


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Tips for achieving the right consistency

The key to perfecting the texture of your homemade candy is to master the art of achieving the ideal consistency.

To achieve the desired shapes when making candy fruit, it’s crucial to pay close attention to the consistency of the sugar syrup. Here are some tips to help you achieve the perfect texture:

  • Boiling time: Boil the sugar syrup for the appropriate amount of time to reach the desired consistency. This will vary depending on the type of candy you’re making. For softer candies, boil the syrup for a shorter time, while for harder candies, boil it for a longer time.

  • Temperature: Use a candy thermometer to monitor the temperature of the syrup. Different candies require different temperatures to achieve the ideal consistency. For example, soft candies like gummies require a lower temperature, around 220°F (104°C), while hard candies like lollipops need a higher temperature, around 300°F (149°C).

  • Testing: Perform a consistency test by dropping a small amount of the syrup into a bowl of cold water. Observe how it behaves and feels. If it forms a soft ball that can be flattened between your fingers, it’s ready for shaping. If it forms a hard, brittle ball, it’s been cooked for too long.

  • Experiment with flavors: While achieving the right consistency is essential, don’t forget to have fun with flavors. Add extracts or fruit juices to your syrup to enhance the taste of your candy fruit. For example, you can add a few drops of lemon juice for a tangy flavor or strawberry extract for a sweet and fruity taste.

With these tips, you’ll be able to achieve the perfect consistency for your candy fruit and experiment with different flavors.

Now let’s move on to the next step where we’ll learn how to flavor and color your syrup to make your candy fruit even more delightful.

Flavor and Color Your Syrup

Enhance the flavor and vibrant hues of your syrup by stirring in your favorite fruit juices and food coloring, making your candy fruit a feast for the senses.


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To begin, consider flavor experimentation by adding different fruit juices to your syrup mixture. This will not only give your candy fruit a delicious taste but also infuse it with natural flavors from the fruits. You can try using citrus juices like orange or lemon for a tangy twist, or go for sweeter options like strawberry or raspberry. The possibilities are endless, so don’t be afraid to get creative and mix different juices together to find your perfect flavor combination.

In addition to flavor, you can also experiment with natural coloring options to give your candy fruit a visually appealing look. Instead of using artificial food coloring, consider using natural alternatives like beet juice for a vibrant red color, matcha powder for a green shade, or turmeric for a sunny yellow tone. These natural coloring options not only add beauty to your candy fruit but also provide additional health benefits.

Stir in the desired amount of fruit juice and food coloring into your syrup mixture, making sure to mix well to achieve an even distribution of color and flavor. With your syrup now flavored and colored, you’re ready to move on to the next step of shaping and molding your candy fruit.

Now that your syrup is infused with delicious fruit juices and vibrant colors, it’s time to shape and mold your candy fruit.

Shape and Mold Your Candy Fruit

When it comes to shaping and molding candy fruit, there are several different methods you can try. One option is to use silicone molds, which allow for precise shapes and sizes.


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Another method is hand shaping, where you can sculpt the candy fruit into various forms using your fingers.

Lastly, you can also use cookie cutters to create uniform shapes. To achieve the desired shapes and sizes, it’s important to work quickly and efficiently, as the candy mixture can harden rapidly.

Additionally, using powdered sugar or cornstarch on your hands and work surface can prevent sticking and make shaping easier.

Different methods for shaping the candy fruit

To craft the candy fruit, get creative with molding and shaping techniques to bring a touch of whimsy and delight to your sugary creations.

There are various methods you can use to shape your candy fruit, allowing you to experiment and create unique designs. One option is to use molds, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Simply pour your sugar and water mixture into the mold, making sure to fill it completely. Allow the candy to cool and harden before removing it from the mold. This method ensures that your candy fruit will have a consistent and defined shape.


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Alternatively, you can try freehand shaping. This technique allows you to sculpt your candy fruit into any desired shape using your hands or tools. Start by pouring the sugar and water mixture onto a well-oiled surface. Use your hands or tools to shape the candy into the desired form, whether it’s a banana, apple, or strawberry. This method gives you more flexibility and allows for more intricate details.

Experiment with different shaping techniques and find the one that works best for you. By using molds or freehand shaping, you can create candy fruit that is visually appealing and realistic.

Now, let’s move on to some tips for achieving desired shapes and sizes without compromising the integrity of your candy fruit.

Tips for achieving desired shapes and sizes

One helpful tip for achieving your desired shapes and sizes is to experiment with different shaping techniques and find the one that suits your creative vision. There are several methods you can try, such as using molds, shaping by hand, or using cookie cutters. Each technique will give your candy fruit a unique look and feel.

To help you visualize the different shaping techniques and their results, here is a table showcasing some common methods and their outcomes:


How To Make Candy Fruit With Sugar And Water - Candy Artisans (10)

Shaping TechniqueResult
Using moldsUniform shape and size
Shaping by handOrganic and irregular shapes
Using cookie cuttersSymmetrical and defined shapes

By trying out these different techniques, you can achieve the smooth texture you desire for your candy fruit. However, it’s important to note that there may be some common issues that you might encounter along the way. For example, if your candy fruit is sticking to the mold or cookie cutter, you can dust them with powdered sugar or cornstarch before shaping. If your candy fruit is not holding its shape, you may need to increase the amount of sugar in your recipe or let the mixture cook for a little longer to achieve a firmer consistency. Troubleshooting issues like these will ensure that you achieve the desired shapes and sizes for your candy fruit.

Now that you have shaped your candy fruit, it’s time to let them dry and set.

Let Your Candy Fruit Dry

Allow your candy fruit to dry until it has a chewy texture. The drying process is an essential step in making candy fruit as it helps to remove the excess moisture and achieve the desired consistency.

There are a few methods you can use to dry your candy fruit effectively and preserve its quality.

Firstly, you can air dry your candy fruit by placing them on a wire rack or parchment paper in a well-ventilated area. Make sure to space them out to allow air circulation and prevent sticking. The drying time can vary depending on the size and thickness of your fruit, but it usually takes around 24 to 48 hours. You can speed up the process by using a fan or placing the candy fruit in a slightly warm oven with the door slightly open.


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Secondly, you can use a food dehydrator to dry your candy fruit. This method provides consistent heat and airflow, resulting in evenly dried fruit. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the dehydrator, setting the temperature to around 130-140°F (55-60°C). Place the candy fruit in a single layer on the dehydrator trays and let them dry for 8 to 12 hours or until they reach the desired chewy texture.

By allowing your candy fruit to dry properly, you ensure that it has a chewy consistency that is enjoyable to eat. Once your candy fruit is fully dried, you can proceed to the next step and learn how to store and preserve it for long-lasting enjoyment.

Store and Preserve Your Candy Fruit

Keep your delicious candy fruit fresh and flavorful by storing it in an airtight container or resealable bag. Proper storage is essential to preserve candy fruit and extend its shelf life.

After your candy fruit has dried completely, place it in a clean and dry airtight container or resealable bag. Make sure to remove any excess moisture or condensation before sealing it to prevent the candy fruit from becoming sticky or soggy.

Store the container or bag in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources, as these can cause the candy fruit to melt or lose its shape. By storing your candy fruit in this way, you can enjoy its delicious taste and vibrant colors for a longer period of time.


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Now that you know how to store and preserve your candy fruit, it’s time to experiment with different fruit flavors. By using various fruits and flavors in your candy-making process, you can create a wide range of unique and tasty treats.

So, let’s move on to the next section and explore how to infuse your candy fruit with different flavors to make your candy-making experience even more exciting.

Experiment with Different Fruit Flavors

When experimenting with different fruit flavors in my candy fruit recipe, I love coming up with new and exciting combinations. Whether it’s adding a burst of tanginess with citrus fruits like oranges and lemons, or incorporating the sweetness of berries like strawberries and blueberries, the possibilities are endless.

Adjusting the recipe for different fruit flavors is a simple process of tweaking the sugar to fruit ratio to achieve the perfect balance of sweetness. By experimenting with different fruits, I can create a variety of candy fruit flavors that are sure to delight my taste buds.

Ideas for using different fruits in your candy fruit recipe

Try adding a variety of juicy fruits like strawberries, pineapple, and mandarin oranges to create a vibrant and refreshing twist to your candy fruit recipe. Experimenting with unique fruit combinations can lead to exciting and delicious results.


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For example, you could try mixing strawberries and pineapple together for a tropical flavor, or combine mandarin oranges with raspberries for a tangy and sweet combination. Don’t be afraid to get creative and try out different fruit combinations to find your favorite.

In addition to enjoying the candy fruit on its own, you can also incorporate it into other desserts. For instance, you can chop up the candy fruit and mix it into homemade ice cream or sorbet for an extra burst of flavor. You could also use it as a topping for cakes or cupcakes, adding a pop of color and sweetness.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to using candy fruit in your desserts, so have fun experimenting and discovering new ways to enjoy your fruity creations. Now let’s move on to how to adjust the recipe for different fruit flavors.

How to adjust the recipe for different fruit flavors

To create a delectable array of flavors, mix and match various fruits to give your candy recipe a delightful twist. Adjusting flavors is a fun and creative way to experiment with different fruits in your candy fruit recipe. Start by choosing fruits that complement each other in taste and texture.

For example, if you’re using tart fruits like strawberries or raspberries, you can balance their acidity with sweeter fruits like bananas or mangos. Don’t be afraid to try unconventional combinations too, like mixing citrus fruits with tropical ones for a refreshing and exotic flavor profile.


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To adjust the recipe for different fruit flavors, you can vary the amount of fruit puree you use. If you want a more intense fruit flavor, increase the amount of puree in the recipe. Conversely, if you prefer a milder taste, reduce the amount of puree.

You can also experiment with different cooking times and temperatures to enhance or tone down the fruit flavor. Keep in mind that some fruits, like berries, may release more liquid during the cooking process, so you may need to adjust the sugar and water ratios accordingly.

By adjusting flavors and experimenting with fruits, you can create a unique and personalized candy fruit recipe that suits your taste preferences.

Now, let’s move on to the next section about how to customize your candy fruit with additional ingredients.

Customize Your Candy Fruit with Additional Ingredients

When customizing my candy fruit, I love to experiment with different ingredients to enhance the flavor and texture. Some suggestions for adding extra ingredients include using extracts like vanilla or almond, adding spices like cinnamon or nutmeg, or even incorporating citrus zest for a burst of freshness.


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Additionally, I enjoy finding creative ways to enhance the appearance of my candy fruit. I like to dust them with powdered sugar or edible glitter, or even paint them with edible food coloring to make them look more vibrant and appealing.

Suggestions for adding extra ingredients for flavor and texture

For an extra burst of flavor and a delightful crunch, why not consider adding some chopped nuts or toasted coconut to your candy fruit mixture? These additional ingredients not only enhance the taste of your candy fruit but also add a pleasant texture that will make each bite even more enjoyable.

To add depth and complexity to your candy fruit, here are a few suggestions:

  • Adding different spices: Experiment with spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom to infuse your candy fruit with unique flavors. These spices can complement the sweetness of the sugar and create a more complex taste profile.

  • Using natural food coloring: Instead of artificial food coloring, opt for natural alternatives like beet juice, turmeric, or spirulina powder to add vibrant colors to your candy fruit. Not only will this make your candy fruit visually appealing, but it also provides the added benefit of using natural ingredients.

By incorporating these additional ingredients and flavors, you can take your candy fruit to the next level.

Now, let’s explore some creative ways to enhance the appearance of your candy fruit, which will make them even more irresistible.


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Creative ways to enhance the appearance of your candy fruit

Get ready to dazzle your guests with candy fruit that looks like a work of art! Not only can you enhance the flavors of your homemade candy fruit, but you can also get creative with the presentation to make it even more visually appealing.

One way to enhance the flavors is by adding a hint of citrus zest to the sugar syrup while boiling it. This will give your candy fruit a refreshing and tangy taste that complements the sweetness of the sugar. You can use lemon, lime, or orange zest depending on your preference.

Another idea is to infuse the sugar syrup with a few drops of flavored extracts such as strawberry, raspberry, or almond. This will add a burst of flavor to your candy fruit and make it even more enjoyable to eat.

When it comes to the presentation of your candy fruit, there are countless creative ideas to explore. One simple yet effective way is to use different shapes and sizes for your fruit. Instead of just making round or oval candy fruit, try shaping them into hearts, stars, or even animal shapes using silicone molds. This will instantly make your candy fruit look more interesting and fun.

You can also use edible glitter or colored sugar to give your candy fruit a sparkling and vibrant appearance. Simply sprinkle some on top of the fruit before it fully hardens to add a touch of magic.


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Lastly, consider placing your candy fruit on a decorative platter or arranging them in a beautiful glass jar. This will elevate the presentation and make it look like a professional treat.

With your candy fruit looking like a masterpiece, it’s time to move on to the next step about how to package and gift your homemade creations.

Package and Gift Your Homemade Candy Fruit

To add a special touch to your homemade candy fruit, why not create beautiful packaging to gift them to friends and family? Packaging and presenting your homemade candy fruit can elevate the overall experience and make it even more special. Here are some tips for packaging and presenting your homemade candy fruit:

  • Use clear cellophane bags or boxes: Clear packaging allows the vibrant colors of your candy fruit to shine through and adds an element of visual appeal.

  • Tie them with colorful ribbons: Adding colorful ribbons not only makes the packaging look more festive but also adds a decorative touch.

  • Include a personalized tag or label: Adding a personalized tag or label with a heartfelt message or the recipient’s name adds a thoughtful touch to the gift.

To make a homemade candy fruit gift basket, start by selecting a basket or a decorative container of your choice. Line it with tissue paper or shredded paper to create a cushioning effect. Arrange your candy fruit in an aesthetically pleasing manner, placing different colors and shapes together for a visually appealing display. You can also add other treats like chocolate or nuts to complement the candy fruit.

Finally, wrap the basket in clear cellophane and tie it with a ribbon for a beautiful finishing touch. Now, you’re ready to gift your homemade candy fruit to your loved ones and see their faces light up with joy.


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Now, it’s time to enjoy your delicious homemade candy fruit and share them with your loved ones.

Enjoy Your Delicious Homemade Candy Fruit

When it comes to serving and enjoying your homemade candy fruit, there are a few suggestions that I’ve found to be helpful.

I recommend serving the candy fruit chilled as it enhances the flavor and texture.

You can also get creative with presentation by arranging the candy fruit on a platter or skewering them for a fun and easy-to-eat treat.

Feedback and tips from others who’ve made candy fruit at home can also provide valuable insights.


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Some people have shared that adding a sprinkle of sea salt on top of the candy fruit enhances the flavors and adds a touch of sophistication.

Others have suggested experimenting with different fruit combinations and flavors to create unique and personalized candy fruit creations.

Overall, don’t be afraid to get creative and have fun with your homemade candy fruit!

Suggestions for serving and enjoying your candy fruit

For the ultimate candy fruit experience, don’t miss out on the sheer delight of savoring each juicy bite while your taste buds explode with sugary bliss. When it comes to serving your homemade candy fruit, there are a few suggestions that can take your enjoyment to the next level. One idea is to create a beautiful fruit platter with a variety of candy fruits, arranging them in a visually appealing way. This not only adds a touch of elegance to your presentation but also allows your guests to choose their favorite flavors.

Another serving suggestion is to incorporate your candy fruit into other desserts. You can chop them up and use them as a topping for ice cream or yogurt, or even mix them into a fruit salad for an extra burst of sweetness. The possibilities are endless, so feel free to experiment with different combinations and flavors to find your perfect match.


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Now that you have some great ideas for serving and enjoying your candy fruit, let’s move on to the next section to explore feedback and tips from others who have made candy fruit at home.

Feedback and tips from others who have made candy fruit at home

Now that you’ve learned some suggestions for serving and enjoying your candy fruit, let’s dive into the feedback and tips from others who’ve made candy fruit at home. Hearing about their experiences can provide valuable insight for improvement and troubleshooting tips.

One common feedback from those who’ve made candy fruit is the importance of patience. It’s essential to allow the candy fruit to dry completely before enjoying it. Rushing the process may result in a sticky and overly sweet treat. To ensure the candy fruit is thoroughly dried, some people recommend leaving it out overnight or even using a food dehydrator. This extra time allows the sugar and water mixture to harden and create a delightful crunchy texture.

Another tip for improvement is to experiment with different flavors and colors. While the classic red and green candy fruit is always a hit, don’t be afraid to get creative. You can try using different fruit juices to add a unique twist of flavor. For instance, using orange juice can give your candy fruit a vibrant citrus taste. Additionally, feel free to explore different shapes and sizes for your candy fruit. From bite-sized pieces to larger fruit-shaped molds, the possibilities are endless.

In terms of troubleshooting, some people have encountered issues with the candy fruit sticking to the parchment paper or silicone mat. To avoid this, make sure to generously grease your chosen surface with cooking spray or oil before pouring the sugar and water mixture. This’ll help prevent the candy fruit from sticking and make it easier to remove once it’s dried. If you still encounter sticking issues, gently pry the candy fruit off the surface using a spatula or your fingers, being careful not to break them.


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By incorporating these feedback and tips from others who’ve made candy fruit at home, you’ll be well-equipped to improve your own candy fruit-making skills. Remember to be patient, experiment with flavors and colors, and troubleshoot any sticking issues. With practice and creativity, you’ll soon be enjoying delicious and beautiful candy fruit that you can proudly share with others.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for the candy fruit to dry completely?

The candy fruit drying process typically takes 12-24 hours to fully dry. However, there are some tips for speeding up the drying time. Increasing airflow and using a fan can help accelerate the process.

Can I use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar for the syrup?

Artificial sweeteners can be used as an alternative to sugar for the syrup, but there are health concerns to consider. While they may provide fewer calories, the taste may differ, so it’s important to compare and find the best option for your candy fruit.

What is the best type of fruit to use for making candy fruit?

The best type of fruit for making candy fruit depends on personal preference, but some popular options include apples, strawberries, and oranges. Techniques for making candy fruit involve boiling the fruit in a sugar syrup and then drying it.

How long can I store the candy fruit before it goes bad?

The shelf life of candy fruit can vary depending on the preserving techniques used. On average, candy fruit can be stored for up to six months if stored properly in an airtight container.


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Can I add nuts or other fillings to the candy fruit?

Yes, you can add nuts or other fillings to candy fruit. The pros are that it adds texture and flavor variety. The cons are that it may affect the shelf life and make the candy fruit more prone to spoilage.

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In conclusion, making candy fruit with just sugar and water is a fun and rewarding process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create your own delicious homemade treats that’ll impress your friends and family.

Throughout the process, I’ve learned that patience is key. It takes time for the sugar syrup to reach the right consistency and for the candy fruit to dry properly. But the end result’s definitely worth the wait.

The vibrant colors and fruity flavors of the candy fruit are sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face.

So go ahead and give it a try! Get creative with different fruit flavors and experiment with additional ingredients to customize your candy fruit.

Package them up beautifully and give them as gifts, or simply enjoy them yourself. The joy of making something from scratch and the satisfaction of biting into a sweet and chewy piece of candy fruit’s truly priceless.


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As the saying goes, "Homemade candy fruit’s a little burst of happiness in every bite."

Aiko( Editor in Chief )

Hi, I’m Aiko. I love all things sweet, which is why I started Candy Artisans. I know everything there is to know about candy and sweets, and I’m always keeping up with the latest news and trends. I want to share my passion for deliciousness with everyone, so come on over and join the fun!

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How To Make Candy Fruit With Sugar And Water - Candy Artisans (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.